When calling a message of an id type fails

A while ago, I posted an article saying that I found one glitch in sending message to an object. I mentioned “This is it!”, but I forgot what that was.
At Telestream, one Mac developer asked me what that was.
Now I remember it and it is well explained here.

Big weakness of Objective-C weak typing

2 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by jongampark on August 1, 2012 at 8:59 AM

    Folks at Telestream : During some free time, I tried to locate what you asked me before. Yes. This is it! I linked my post and Matt Gallagher’s post. In my case, I found source lines in GCC source code at the time I wrote it and presented an example.
    Matt Gallagher’s post explains the semantic meaning I found in the source code. However, this issue is explained in Apple’s document.


  2. […] : cf.  When calling a message of an id type fails <= This document explains more about […]
